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Use up/down arrows to compare Fs, FVR, and FDR.
(1) 700 hPa PSI (black contours every 3x106 m2 s-1; negative solid, positive dashed), T (green dashed contours every 3oC), Fs (arrows in x10-7 Pa m-1 s-1), and Total RHS (neglecting the Beta term) of QG Omega equation (shaded in x10-12 Pa m-2 s-1) (Fs-vector form).
(2) 700 hPa PSI (black contours every 3x106 m2 s-1; negative solid, positive dashed), T (green dashed contours every 3oC), FVR (arrows in x10-7 Pa m-1 s-1), and Total RHS (neglecting the Beta term) of QG Omega equation (shaded in x10-12 Pa m-2 s-1) (FVR-vector form).
(3) 700 hPa PSI (black contours every 3x106 m2 s-1; negative solid, positive dashed), T (green dashed contours every 3oC), FDR (arrows in x10-7 Pa m-1 s-1), and Total RHS (neglecting the Beta term) of QG Omega equation (shaded in x10-12 Pa m-2 s-1) (FDR-vector form).
NCEP GFS analyses and forecasts on 1x1 latitude-longitude grid are smoothed with a 9-point local smoother run 30 times.